
My daily routine

  My daily routine I do my daily works myself. I have to come to my office on time So I get up early in the morning. I brush my teeth. I make my ablution and perform my prayers. I bring my mobile, moneybag when I leave my house. I wait for the bus at the bus stoppage. After getting on a bus I sit down on a seat if I get it. When I reach my office I put my Mobile and moneybag in the drawer. I start my pc to start my work. After finishing my regular works I look upon the net to read the news. At lunch hour I move to the canteen to take my lunch. After eating lunch I have a cup of tea. In the evening time, I come back to my home bringing with me some necessary things whatever I need to my family.

Twenty five important multiple questions with answers on Digital marketing:

  Twenty five important multiple questions with answers on Digital marketing: 1.         The cinema is _____. Select one: a. U- turn b. on your right c. left   2.         What is the use of ‘#’ and ‘@’ in Social Media? Select one: a. To highlight a post b. To create link in Social Media c. To index keywords and topics d. To increase the post importance   3.         Sitemap helps in _______ . Select one: a. Getting the site indexed b. Contextualizing the site c. Getting the site crawled   4.         Abbreviation should always be used to make an email precise. Select one: True False   5.         Which one of these is not a Facebook Campaign objective? Select one: a. App Installation b.  Event Response c. Page Post Engagement d. Make New Friends   6.           Do not Report to your senior well in advance if you have not been able to complete work. Select one: True False       7.         If my husband _________