
Showing posts from 2020
There are many talking about the crime and the criminals. Everyone wants to punish them. But there are a little people who wants to talk about why they do the crime. Everyone has some desire to make crime. Some will get the chance to do crime and others are not getting any chance to make the crimes. If one who can get the chance to do the crimes, if he can refused himself to do the crimes, then he will be the real hero.  Many people make many crimes but we don't know about them and their crimes. Sometimes something come the limelight and then we all talk about the topics. It's not expected, What's are going?  Most of the people have the desire to do the wrong deeds. But sometimes they don't do the crimes or the work because of their society, law, and religious bannedness.  Many people fight with them not to do the crimes. Those people who can't win the battle those fall in the groups of sinners. And others are the successor for the both world.  Now the question is t

Bracing for Amphan fury

Bracing for Amphan fury : Thousands of people have been moved to storm shelters in 19 coastal districts of the country as Cyclone Amphan is set to make landfall this evening with heavy rainfall and storm surges above 10 feet.


Hello dear all, how are you all?  I think you are not well as like me. Because now a days we all are passing a critical time. Hope we will finish this chapter soon Insha Allah. It's such a time that I have not watched. There are no war, there is nothing any major earth quakes, although we are at home to save ourselves. It was better to stay  at home but the people who earn their daily livelihood daily. How can they stay at home. Or they stay home for the necessity how long the can stay at home.  Yes I am talking about the crucial pandemic of Covid-19 . We have seen a problem for a certain country, for a certain area but this pandemic happened for all over the world, for all the people of the world. Nobody can say I safe from it. Whether he/she is poor or rich. Most of the time, the poor people are suffer most for every occurrence. But only the Covid-19 makes somethings different. As we come to know that the biggest, the most powerful are most affected. So there is nothing

Greetings, sorrows and hope...

Hello, Dear all, how are all. Welcome to new year 2020. How do you start your new year? I have started my new year well. We are hoping a positive year. This is the welcome greetings of new year......... We want to start our new year with our full vigor. Because we don't want to waste our valuable time for today. We want to make sure the best use of our time......